Monday, September 7, 2009


was an odd day.
I won a backyard wrestling title. xD
Zach wanted to get rid of it, and I have to admit, that's a nifty way to start wrestling...not that I'm really anxious to wrestle guys. I like the idea of owning chicks more than getting owned by dudes. :P
After wrestling, me and Zach drove around a bit, passed Geo and Jaime, and hung out with them for a while. Lydia came by, and I had the now very normal experience of realizing I'm surrounded by people at least three years older than me.
I really can't wait for my birthday. 16's not that old, but it sounds a trillion times better than 15. Also, for two day, me and Zach are only two years apart. :P
Well, this blog was mostly for the sake of keeping up, and making Zach feel bad that he doesn't. :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Have you ever had a day

that didn't seem real?


I'm off to CCW in a few hours. It's always an odd experience. I enjoy hanging out with all of Zach's wrestling friends (probably more than any other group of people, with the possible exception of the Rookie Show cast), but I can't help but worry that he'll get hurt..
Yesterday he accused me of 'not having faith in him'. It's not that. I know he's not stupid enough to do something where he thinks/knows he'll get hurt. But's not like every accident and injury is caused by people who knew they were going to get hurt. *sigh* I guess I'm worrying over nothing. At least, I hope to God I'm worrying over nothing. :/
However, I refuse to have a bad day today. I get to see my Erebus, hang out with nifty people, get the hell out of my house, and eat.
My day is complete. Hah. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

One of the more interesting Pagan Prompts

How do you feel about abortion?I don't really feel any way, until someone asks me, and then I'm pro-choice. However, I don't really go out of my way to support abortion.
Does your spiritual path influence your opinion of abortion? How so? No. While I love my religion, my deities don't dictate my life. I make my own opinions, and if they are displeased, I suppose I'll have to deal with that.

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